So i finally found that the walls of my room slide open, this would be so amazing in summer but its a little cold to leave them open at this time of year, anyway i noticed some wood sticking up above the wall and soon relised that it was a Japanese graveyard, so awesome that i leave literally 5 feet from a graveyard, something sakura house forgot to mention when i leased the house haha i can imagine this might freak a few people out maybe, but for me it just makes my time her even more exciting!
Here is a video test from my new camera, im so impressed with the quality, the auto focus is a little on the slow side tho.
Gaijin Ninjin is blog about an English man (with ginger / carrot hair) visting Japan (mainly Tokyo) for the very first time. Leaving his home country for the very first time, at the beginning of the new year, he hopes to explore the Japanese culture with just himself and his camera. This blog will document his month long journey with photographs, expectations, thoughts, feelings and newfound knowledge of Japan as an outsider.